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Can You Go to the Chiropractor Too Much? Exploring the Risks and Benefits

Published on: Jul 04, 2024
man sitting with chiropractor who is explaining spinal health

Many people turn to chiropractors for relief from chronic back pain or discomfort that persists despite regular exercise. As the benefits become apparent, it's natural to wonder: can you go to the chiropractor too frequently?

While regular adjustments can offer significant benefits, giving that much-needed respite from persistent pain, it's crucial to understand there are potential downsides. Rigorous research and countless testimonials have highlighted risks like increased pain due to insufficient healing time between sessions or even joint instability from over-manipulation. To add depth, consider how subtle signs like persistent soreness might indicate more harm than help. Knowing these details empowers you to make informed decisions about your health care routine without falling prey to dependency.

As we explore these aspects further, it's essential to recognize the signs that may indicate you're leaning too much on chiropractic sessions and how alternative treatments might also play a vital role in your recovery journey.

While regular chiropractic care can be beneficial, excessive visits to the chiropractor may result in insufficient healing between sessions, increased pain, or difficulty relieving pain after treatment. It's essential to follow your chiropractor's recommended treatment plan and consult with them to determine the appropriate frequency of visits based on your individual needs.

Risks of Excessive Chiropractic Visits

While chiropractic care can be incredibly beneficial, it's important to be aware of the potential risks associated with overdoing it. Let's dive into some of these risks so you can make informed decisions about your health and wellness.

Increased Pain

Patients seek chiropractic care to alleviate pain and discomfort. However, ironically, frequent visits can lead to increased pain. When the body doesn't have sufficient time to heal between sessions, the manipulations may exacerbate existing discomfort rather than providing relief.

Simply put, the body requires adequate recovery time after adjustments, especially in cases where there may be underlying issues. Without this necessary healing period, the body may become more sensitive, leading to heightened pain levels instead of the intended relief.

Joint Instability

Over-manipulation in chiropractic care can result in a condition known as ligamentous laxity. This laxity may cause instability in the joints, making them more susceptible to injuries and affecting overall mobility. While spinal adjustments are designed to optimize joint function, too many adjustments could lead to an unintended decrease in joint stability.

Potential Nerve Damage

Repeated and excessive chiropractic adjustments pose a risk of nerve compression or irritation. The delicate nerves in our bodies can become irritated due to frequent manipulations, potentially leading to a range of uncomfortable symptoms such as numbness, tingling, or even sharp shooting pain.

It's important to keep in mind that while these risks exist, they are not common occurrences and can largely be mitigated by consulting with a qualified healthcare professional.


One potential risk associated with excessive chiropractic visits is the development of psychological dependency. Some individuals may feel they need continuous adjustments for relief, which could lead to neglecting other health treatments or interventions.

Understanding these potential risks allows you to approach chiropractic care with a balanced perspective, ensuring that you're reaping its benefits without inadvertently exposing yourself to unnecessary hazards. It's all about finding that healthy balance for your body's needs.

Man sitting at desk rubbing his painful lower back

Signs You Might Be Overusing Chiropractic Care

It's essential to recognize the signs that indicate you may be relying too heavily on chiropractic care. Here are some indications that warrant your attention:

Persistent Pain

Experiencing persistent or heightened pain after chiropractic adjustments could signify overuse rather than relief. If the discomfort intensifies after each session instead of gradually subsiding, it might be time to re-evaluate the frequency of your visits.

It's crucial to differentiate between regular post-adjustment soreness and chronic discomfort. While some minor discomfort immediately following an adjustment is normal, continual pain is a red flag that warrants further discussion with your chiropractor. This type of ongoing pain isn't part of the healing process and may indicate that your body needs more time to heal between sessions.

Lack of Gradual Improvement

If you notice little to no progress in your condition despite consistent visits to the chiropractor, it's a potential sign that the frequency of your appointments isn't providing the expected benefits. Chiropractic care is designed to promote improvement over time, so if you're not seeing gradual positive changes in your symptoms, it may be worth reconsidering the necessity of frequent visits.

This lack of progress could indicate that your body isn't responding as expected and continuing with the same frequency of treatments might not be beneficial. Engage in open communication with your chiropractor to discuss any concerns and explore alternative treatment plans tailored to your individual needs.

Increased Fatigue

Feeling unusually fatigued and experiencing a general sense of discomfort or tiredness after each chiropractic session can be an indicator that the treatments may be too frequent. Your body's response post-visit should ideally involve a sense of relief and enhanced comfort rather than heightened fatigue.

Swelling or Bruising

Visible inflammation or bruises around the treated areas following chiropractic treatment may be indicative of excessive manipulation or an inappropriate technique. While minor tenderness is expected at times, persistent swelling or bruising could suggest that the intensity or frequency of chiropractic adjustments needs adjustment.

Keeping an eye out for these signs can help you assess whether you might be overusing chiropractic care. It's important to listen to your body and communicate openly with your healthcare provider to ensure that your treatment plan aligns with your individual needs and goals.

Proper Chiropractic Care Guidelines

Chiropractic care, like many things in life, has a right way and a wrong way to do it. To get the most benefit out of your visits, it's important to follow the proper guidelines for chiropractic care. Here's a breakdown of what you should expect in terms of frequency and type of chiropractic visits to ensure effective treatment.

Initial Intense Phase

In the initial phase of chiropractic care, expect to start with more frequent sessions. This is particularly common if you are seeking treatment for acute pain or dealing with new injuries. During this phase, it's typical to attend sessions 2-3 times a week.

The goal of this phase is to address the acute issue at hand. The frequent sessions are aimed at reducing immediate pain and stabilizing your condition as quickly as possible. This intensive approach allows the chiropractor to closely monitor your progress and make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.

Transitional Phase

As symptoms begin to improve, your chiropractor will likely recommend a transition to less frequent visits. Instead of multiple sessions per week, you may start attending sessions once a week or bi-weekly.

During this transitional phase, your body is responding positively to the initial treatment, and the focus shifts towards maintaining and promoting further improvement. The reduced frequency of visits still provides necessary adjustments and therapies while allowing your body time to respond and heal.

Maintenance Phase

Upon reaching a stable state where your symptoms have significantly improved or stabilized, the maintenance phase begins. At this point, you may only need to visit your chiropractor once a month or every 6-8 weeks to maintain spinal health and prevent the reoccurrence of symptoms.

Consider this like going in for a check-up—just as you visit your primary care physician once a year for an annual physical examination, visiting your chiropractor during the maintenance phase ensures that any minor misalignments are addressed before they escalate into bigger issues.

Following these guidelines ensures that you receive chiropractic care tailored to your specific needs at each stage of treatment, thus maximizing its effectiveness while avoiding overuse or underuse of chiropractic services.

Understanding the nuances between different alternative medical treatments can be crucial in deciding the best approach for your wellness journey. Now, let's dive into exploring the fundamental dissimilarities between chiropractic care and osteopathy.

Differences Between Chiropractic and Osteopathy

Chiropractors and osteopaths have distinct but related roles in treating musculoskeletal conditions. While both aim to relieve pain and improve function, there are significant differences in their approach, focus areas, treatment techniques, and scope of practice.

Focus Areas

Chiropractors primarily focus on spinal adjustments to alleviate pain and enhance movement. They believe that misalignments in the spine can disrupt the nervous system's function, leading to various health issues. This emphasis on spinal adjustments sets the foundation of chiropractic care, intending to restore balance and alleviate discomfort.

In contrast, osteopaths take a broader approach, emphasizing the musculoskeletal system's interrelationship with overall health. Their practice extends beyond spinal adjustments, encompassing manipulative techniques that target various parts of the body. Furthermore, osteopathy integrates lifestyle factors like diet and exercise into their treatment plans, aiming to promote overall wellness.

The contrasting perspectives of these healthcare professionals result in varying diagnostic and treatment methods. Chiropractors primarily seek spinal subluxations (misalignments) and use adjustments to correct them, whereas osteopaths adopt a more holistic view of the body's interconnected systems.

Treatment Techniques

Chiropractic care often involves quick, high-velocity thrusts applied to specific joints or vertebrae. The purpose is to alleviate pain and restore proper joint function through controlled force. These adjustments are performed with precision and are designed to address restricted movement or misalignments. Additionally, chiropractors may use adjunctive therapies such as massage or electrical stimulation to complement their adjustments.

On the other hand, osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) typically involves softer, rhythmic motions aimed at reducing tension, improving mobility, and optimizing the body's ability to heal itself. Osteopaths utilize a wider range of techniques that may incorporate stretching, gentle pressure, or resistance to address musculoskeletal issues.

For instance, if a patient presents with lower back pain stemming from muscle tension, a chiropractor might employ targeted spinal adjustments to realign vertebral segments. Conversely, an osteopath might use myofascial release techniques or gentle stretching exercises alongside spinal manipulation to comprehensively address the same issue.

Use of Pharmaceuticals

Another key distinction lies in the prescription authority granted to each profession. Osteopaths (Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine - DOs) undergo medical training identical to that of traditional physicians (MDs) and are fully licensed to prescribe medications and perform surgical procedures within their scope of practice. This comprehensive medical education enables DOs to provide a wider array of treatment options beyond manual therapies.

Conversely, chiropractors (Doctors of Chiropractic - DCs) are not licensed to administer pharmaceutical drugs or perform surgeries. Their focus remains primarily on non-invasive interventions centered around spinal adjustments and related musculoskeletal care.

By understanding these fundamental differences between chiropractic and osteopathy, individuals can make informed decisions about seeking care aligned with their specific health needs and preferences.

With a deeper insight into the differences between chiropractic and osteopathy, let's now uncover the benefits associated with regular adjustments for your overall well-being.

Health Benefits of Regular Adjustments

Regular chiropractic adjustments, when appropriately scheduled, can have a positive impact on your overall well-being. One key benefit is improved mobility. The adjustments from a chiropractor help to loosen up stiff joints by restoring full range of motion, leading to improved flexibility and less discomfort.

This is especially helpful for individuals who experience stiffness in their spine or neck, impacting their ability to carry out daily activities with ease. Over time, stress and poor posture can lead to musculoskeletal restrictions that hinder mobility, making a chiropractor’s expertise in addressing these restrictions through targeted adjustments crucial for daily movement.

In addition to better mobility, pain relief is another significant benefit. Chronic back pain, neck discomfort, and headaches are conditions that many people struggle with, often leading to a decrease in overall quality of life. Research has shown that chiropractic care can be an effective treatment for these types of pain.

Take chronic back pain, for instance. Studies have found that spinal manipulation therapy, commonly used by chiropractors, can lead to significant improvements in pain and function for patients with chronic lower back pain (Qaseem et al., 2017). This means that instead of relying solely on medication for pain management, regular chiropractic adjustments offer a drug-free alternative that addresses the root cause of the pain.

Furthermore, regular chiropractic adjustments promote enhanced nervous system function. When your spine is properly aligned through these adjustments, it facilitates optimal functioning of the nervous system. Your nervous system is like the electrical wiring of your body – it controls everything! Therefore, maintaining its proper functioning contributes significantly to your overall health.

An aligned spine ensures that messages between the brain and the rest of the body are sent and received effectively. This means an optimally functioning nervous system can positively impact various bodily functions such as digestion, circulation, and immune responses.

But wait, there's more. Apart from improving mobility, providing pain relief, and enhancing nervous system function, let's explore how regular chiropractic adjustments may contribute to stress reduction and overall well-being.

Alternatives to Frequent Chiropractic Visits

When it comes to managing physical discomfort or enhancing musculoskeletal health, there are several effective alternatives to frequent chiropractic visits. Let's take a closer look at some of the practical and accessible options:

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy involves exercises and stretches personalized to enhance muscle strength, flexibility, and joint mobility. This approach focuses on addressing specific areas of concern, helping individuals regain optimal physical function after injury or illness. By strengthening the body and improving flexibility, physical therapy aids in minimizing discomfort and enhancing overall well-being.

By working with a licensed physical therapist, individuals can receive tailored exercise plans and guidance to promote recovery from a wide range of conditions, including back pain, joint issues, and muscular imbalances. The hands-on approach of physical therapy empowers individuals to actively engage in their recovery process and gain valuable insights into ergonomics and posture corrections that can contribute to long-term relief.

Yoga and Stretching

Yoga and stretching practices are renowned for their ability to maintain spinal health, improve posture, and alleviate muscle tension. Highly adaptable, yoga can be tailored to suit individual needs, making it an excellent option for those seeking non-invasive means of promoting musculoskeletal well-being.

The deliberate focus on breathing techniques, postures, and controlled movements within yoga complements other forms of physical activity and offers participants a holistic approach to maintaining overall wellness. Additionally, incorporating regular stretching exercises into one's routine can contribute to reduced muscle tightness, improved circulation, and enhanced flexibility.

Massage Therapy

Regular massage therapy can offer significant relief from muscular pain, stiffness, and tension. Streamlining the benefits of massage into a comprehensive care regimen provides individuals with an adaptable approach to managing discomfort while promoting relaxation and stress reduction.

The hands-on nature of massage therapy allows for targeted relief in the form of deep tissue work, trigger point therapy, or gentle Swedish massages. These techniques can complement or even serve as alternatives to chiropractic care by addressing soft tissue tension and promoting muscular relaxation.

At-Home Care Regimens

Incorporating ergonomic adjustments, maintaining proper posture, and integrating stretching exercises into daily routines can sustain the benefits derived from chiropractic care. Making daily routines mindful of ergonomics and adopting healthy postural habits can mitigate the need for frequent professional intervention while supporting long-term comfort and well-being.

Integrating simple exercises that promote strength and flexibility into regular activities contributes to holistic self-care practices that reinforce the positive impact of chiropractic adjustments.

By exploring these alternatives, individuals have opportunities to personalize their approach to musculoskeletal wellness while recognizing complementary practices that align with their individual needs and preferences.

Exploring these alternative methods allows individuals to tailor their approach to musculoskeletal wellness based on their unique needs. A personalized combination of these methods can contribute significantly to overall health and well-being.